By: Wendy Dessier Someday experts will look back at this time in history and they may very well define it as the age of fear and stress. We live in a fast-paced world where much is demanded of us. The pressure builds and we become stressed. We are afraid we cannot do what we need to do. We stress over things we cannot control. We are afraid we will never reach our dreams. Sometimes it is that fear that prevents us from doing so.
Stress and fear are sisters. They are like opposite sides of the same coin. To conquer one is to conquer the other. We are going to share with you some expert tips on doing just that.
Often we are so afraid of something that we do not allow ourselves to think of ways to cope. Instead, we focus on the fear and allow it to grow until we are overwhelmed. The way to stop this is to plan for the event. If you are afraid of running into someone that you are in conflict with, make a plan on what you will say and do if you find yourself face to face with them. How can you graciously remove yourself? Once you make a plan and prepare your actions mentally, the fear will subside.
We all know them. People who seem unafraid to take on life. They are the ones who volunteer to try something new. They are the people who laugh at their mistakes. You need to be around people like that! They have established the habits in life that you are working toward. Being around them will motivate you to live life to a fuller level.
Our society has learned that there is a pill for everything. There is a pill to wake you up, and a pill to help you sleep. Here is the problem. Medicated sleep is “borrowed” sleep. Every hour you sleep under the influence will be paid back with hours of restlessness. Because medications have a half life, we often find ourselves reaching for that energy pill to get us moving the following day. You are walking through a fog and you are less effective. Instead, try all natural nootropics. These are healthy supplements that allow you to regulate your body in a healthy way. You rest better and are more effective. Corpina is an industry leader in this field.
Remove yourself from the center of your universe. Look beyond your own insecurities and see the struggles of other people. Encourage them. Point out things they do well. Give them positive reinforcement. You will find that as you build others up, you build yourself up.
Do not try to do everything all at once. If you are stressed out at the idea of speaking in public, begin by presenting a toast at dinner. A small display of speaking to a small group of people can be your first baby step. Maybe the next step is speaking up in an office meeting or a company function. As you grow, your fears and struggle fade away.
Major studies have shown that taking probiotics may help with depression and anxiety.
If you have trouble with insomnia, taking probiotics can help you sleep, as your stomach is linked to your nervous system. If you're Vegan there are many alternatives to dairy yogurt, such as saurkraut, or vegan supplements. This article lists many more. |
September 2024