This post has been contributed by Laura. So many people jeopardise their hearing each day, and don’t even know that they are doing it. Keeping our hearing healthy for as long as possible is the key to a high quality of life. You don’t realise how much losing your hearing will affect you until it’s already happened! If you want to take better care of your hearing, then read on: Don’t Put Things In Your Ear There aren’t that many things you’d think you’d put in your ear, but you never know. Be careful about the things you put near your ear. As a general rule, some people say that if it’s smaller than your elbow, don’t do it! That includes using cotton buds. Many people use cotton buds to clean out their ears, but you run the risk of pushing it too far. It can even push the wax further down your ear if you’re not careful. If you feel you have an excess of wax in your ears, see a professional. There are other home remedies though, as long as you’re sensible. It can be tempting to put a cotton bud in your ear every time you see one, but don’t do it! Loud Noises Many of us are exposed to loud noises each day without even realizing it. Sound is measured in decibels, and we are exposed to a high level of decibels each day, much of it not even our fault. Things like whispering, a regular conversation, and using the vacuum cleaner are OK. However, the lawnmower, music, and even getting on a flight could be too loud! These things are often a high number of decibels, which can affect the hearing if exposed to them for a long period of time. Be aware of how much time you’re spending in these environments and protect yourself accordingly. Even loud traffic can sometimes be a dangerous level. You can’t always help being in a noisy environment, but when you can, make sure you protect yourself. Take a break from loud music, and consider taking ear plugs to a rock concert. Even loud movies can impact hearing. Protect Hearing Where Possible If you can, protect your hearing where possible. It isn’t difficult to use a couple of earplugs when you get on a flight. If you’re working in a noisy environment constantly, then wearing hearing protection is imperative to your hearing health. It may be hard to get into the habit at first, but you’ll be glad you did. Watch Out For Medicines And Drugs That Can Affect Hearing Certain medicines and drugs can actually have an adverse effect on your hearing, so make sure you do your research before taking anything that could do this. You should know the full risks of any medicines and drugs you take anyway! With that in mind, certain supplements and vitamins can actually help to keep your hearing healthy. Healthy Diet And Exercise
When it comes to keeping any part of yourself healthy, nothing much can beat a healthy diet and exercise. When you’re moving and eating right, your body is stronger and more immune to any issues. There are even certain exercises you can do for your hearing, such as gentle neck rolls. In regards to food, you must eat a diet full of healthy vegetables. Here are some foods that are amazing for hearing health:
Any food that is rich in potassium is great for hearing health, so make sure you’re getting lots of this if you’re concerned about your hearing. These foods are especially helpful in old age. Time In Silence Hardly any of us take the time to sit in silence and enjoy it. Some people think of silence as boring or pointless. However, silence can not only be an amazing way for your hearing to recover, but important for total mind and body wellness. Some call it meditation, but you don’t have to call it that. By simply sitting in silence and just focusing on nothing for anywhere from 5 minutes to an hour, you’ll notice huge changes in your life. Your hearing will improve, you’ll feel happier, less stressed, and you might even discover answers to certain problems you’ve had for a while. Start off really small with this so you get into the habit of doing it each day. The morning, away from your bed is a great time to do it, but you can also do it after you’ve listened to music for a while or spent time in a loud environment. When To Have Your Hearing Checked Out Knowing when to have your hearing checked out is important. Don’t leave it for too long if you’re experiencing changes or problems! If you’re experiencing pain, then you should get to a doctor as soon as possible. If you’re constantly suffering bouts of tinnitus, dull hearing, or anything that is a cause for concern, make sure you get an appointment ASAP. Even if there’s nothing seemingly wrong with your hearing, having an appointment once a year could be a good idea. This way, you’ll stay on top of any problems or potential problems. A good idea if your job requires you to work in noisy environments. Don’t panic if you do have a hearing problem. There are many advanced solutions these days that can help you to enjoy the hearing quality you’re used to. Things like implants to help with hearing are available, and many are barely noticeable. There will be a solution to suit you, so just get to your appointment as soon as possible and discuss your needs. Hopefully, this guide has given you a good idea of what you need to do for healthy hearing. Don’t neglect your hearing because you think nothing will ever happen to you. You should enjoy your life, but be sensible at the same time to ensure you stay as healthy as possible. Do you have tips, tricks, or info of your own? Leave a comment below. Come back soon!
December 2024