By: Jenny/Here Pup
We all love dogs. They are a perfect companion. Dogs are even better in raising children. Kids will surely love dogs as much as you do, or even more. With the presence of dogs at home, kids learn how to build relationships. Even if there are no other kids at home, they can practice building friendship, which is essential later as they start schooling. The best part about having dogs as companions is that they ask for nothing in return. They love playing around and they are also fun to be with. Unlike human friends though, dogs know how to love unconditionally. This is a perfect example for kids so they will also do the same thing when they grow older. Another benefit is that dogs are good listeners. There is a tendency for some kids to feel invisible at school. They can’t easily make friends. They also have a hard time finding common interest with other kids in school. By the time they reach home, they can just talk to their dog and everything will be fine again. They can share their personal problems and feel better after releasing their sentiments. Sometimes, kids have a difficulty of expressing their emotions. With a dog at home, they are able to say their feelings better. Below is an infographic containing the information to convince you more that having dogs at home, is indeed a good thing for your kids. This is why when your kids start asking for a puppy, don’t deny that request.