Honey, the nectar of the gods. It's one of the most natural and tasty health remedies you can find. Full of so much goodness. Sometimes I will just eat a spoonful of honey, I love the taste of it and I know how great it is for my health. Bee Hydrated know this too, as they have created some delicious, healthy and refreshing drinks. I have tried each flavour in the range. Revitalize - pure honey, ginger and ginseng. I love anything ginger, whenever I'm I'm feeling under the weather I turn to ginger, it helps with nausea. The ginseng helps with energy and fatigue. Relieve - pure honey, orange blossom and cinnamon - the orange blossom is soothing, great for upset tummies and cinnamon is amazing, it helps with allergies and is anti-inflammatory. Replenish - pure honey, green tea and lemon myrtle. - green tea is another anti-oxidant powerhouse. Lemon myrtle is healing and anti bacterial and tastes beautiful. Bee Hydrated contains naturally occurring electrolytes, it is the perfect hydrating energy boost. This is so much better for you than drinking some of those sports drinks which are full of artificial ingredients and which also taste very average.
Honey is an antioxidant - it's loaded with vitamins, it's a natural antiseptic, so helps to keep germs at bay and is a natural energy source. I love each flavour, if I had to choose a favourite it would probably be Relieve as I love cinnamon and have been trying to incorporate it into my drinks, so this is the perfect combination. The creators of Bee Hydrated come from a heritage of beekeepers and support local Australian honey, they care about the bees health and the environment. The natural extracts they use also come from Australia. So by drinking Bee Hydrated, not only are you drinking a health tonic which tastes amazing and is good for you, but you're also helping to save the bees. These drinks are just lovely, refreshing and revitalizing, I love drinking them in them morning before I go to work, they're also fantastic in the summer heat. Available at Bee Hydrated
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December 2024