Milky Foot is an intense and extremely effective exfoliating foot pad. This is the first time I have tried anything like this and I have to say it’s pretty amazing, these actually do work!
So this is what happens, you leave the countoured foot socks wrapped around your feet for an hour, just sit back and relax. The pads contains natural ingredients which start to absorb into your feet, it feels very cool and soothing. After around 3 days the dead and dry skin will start to peel off. By day 2 I did start to wonder is this really going to happen? but by day 3 my dry skin did start to peel off! At first I noticed it on the soles of my feet, which is where I have the driest skin and by day 4 the skin on the tops of my feet started peeling off. At first it can feel a bit strange, but rest assured, by the end of the 7 days my feet felt so smooth and soft. They’ve never really felt like this before. I found the whole process pretty amazing! The intense exfoliating action happens because of the following ingredients, milk ferment filtrate and mandolin acid (from almond milk). I have extremely dry feet, which means I also get hard callouses and cracks on my heels, but this process made my entire feet feel silky soft, similar to the feeling you get after a pedicure, but this is better because it’s removing the dead skin from all over your feet, also alot more affordable than visiting a salon. It’s recommended to use the pads every 2-3 months, which is what I will be doing. Available at - Milky Foot
CameLife is a premium natural skincare line which contains camel milk. These products really had me very curious as to how well camel milk works in skincare and what the difference is between this and other skincare. I have been very pleasantly surprised. These are very effective products at keeping my skin looking and feeling super hydrated and they also smell heavenly. Camel milk contains vitamin C, fatty acids and protective proteins which help to counter-act ageing and keep skin looking firm and healthy. If you haven't tried it before I think you will also be surprised at how well it works. I tried two products from the range - ![]() Restorative Day cream I absolutely love this day cream, it’s lightweight, which is perfect my skin, but also melts rights in leaving it moisturised the entire day. As soon as I apply it I can feel the difference. I have combination skin, so I need skincare which takes care of the oiliness, but also doesn't leave it feeling dry. The cream also contains a seaweed called Spirulina, which is full of Keratin. I adore the scent of this cream, it’s so lovely and refreshing. I’ve been using this cream during out very hot Aussie summer and it’s perfect for this weather, especially the humid Gold Coast. A few of the other ingredients are sweet almond oil, coconut oil, argan oil, rosehip oil and chamomile essential oil. ![]() Restorative Night Cream This anti-ageing night cream with it’s unique formula of camel milk, natural skin saving oils such as jojoba, argan, avocado oils and shea butter offer a lovely and hydrating cream which targets fine lines and wrinkles . It also contains vitamin c, iron and natural alpha hydroxyl and omega fatty acids. This unique blend helps to repair damaged skin as well as helping to keep it looking firm. I found these products to feel very luxurious, effective in keeping my skin looking and feeling amazing. Very soothing, as it also contains aloe. CameLife is the first brand to be launched by The Australian Camel Milk Company. I found the products to feel quite luxurious and effective at keeping my skin feeling youthful. Available at CameLife. By: Jessicka Bell Here’s the reality about catwalk confidence: It’s all about projection. Forget about what your life is currently truly like, or how your outfit itches like crazy. Your focus should always be on selling an image. Nothing else matters when you’re on the runway, you just have to be, in Tyra Banks’ words, “fierce and fabulous.” Catwalk confidence does not only apply on the runway; it will also help you tremendously when you feel doubtful about a lot of things. Life can throw all kinds of curveballs at you, but if you have this kind of confidence, you can fake it until you make it. Runway and print models from top modelling agencies will always tell you that the confidence they exude originated from a place of uncertainty. Very few personalities in the fashion world start off with amazing, intact confidence that radiates wherever they go and whatever they may be doing. Most of them start off rather insecure. However, over time, they develop confidence, a thick skin, and the ability to look at things objectively in a way that silences their self-doubt. If you wish to develop catwalk confidence to beat frequent episodes of self-doubt, here are some tips provided by a leading model talent management agency. 1. Take care of yourself. Whenever you feel somewhat inadequate, aim to determine ways you can be better. One of the most important aspects of self-improvement is health. Start eating more nutritious food, get more exercise, and meditate. These self-care efforts can do so much in improving how you see yourself. In addition, these can improve your body’s chemical composition. Eating vitamin- and mineral-enriched food can significantly improve your mood; ditto with working out and meditating. Most importantly, the deliberate decision to take care of yourself is an obvious expression of valuing oneself. When you value yourself, you present a strong counter-attack to the voices of self-doubt that you hear in your head, and even the voices of people who belittle you. 2. Hold your head up high. A mere change in posture can boost confidence. When you stand tall, you create a powerful presence for yourself, which other people can be expected to respond to with admiration and respect. Once you see people responding to you the way you want them to, whatever self-doubt you may be feeling can go away, even just temporarily. 3. Dress your best. Stylists from a talent agency say that dressing beautifully can have a huge impact on how you feel on the inside. Drown out the voices that prompt you to be cruel to yourself by assuming and maintaining an outward appearance that is the opposite of what those voices are telling you. Also, research reveals that appearance strongly influences other people’s perception of you. Become a sharp dresser and you will be perceived as someone who is successful, intelligent, trustworthy, and has authority over others. You may be feeling down on yourself, but when you dress impressively, who’ll be able to tell that you’re not quite self-assured? When others see you as “smart and in-charge,” you won’t be able to help but believe that you are. 4. Walk with purpose. Fix that slouch and avoid the tendency to drag your feet when you walk. There’s nothing like walking and looking like you know where you’re going to make you feel like you really know where you’re heading. This simple action transforms the feeling of uncertainty into adventure. Young models share quite often that when they go to casting calls in order to book jobs, they usually find themselves in a completely new place and without a proper clue as to how to get from point A to point B. However, they walk with a clear purpose – that is, to get a casting call – and more often than not, they find their way and achieve their target outcome. These four tips are all organic approaches to developing confidence. You don’t need to change what you naturally have – you just need a healthier mindset. With catwalk confidence, you’ll be able to deal with moments of self-doubt appropriately and ensure your advantage in the runway of life. AUTHOR BIO
Jessicka Bell co-founded the AgenC, one of the leading model/talent agencies in the Middle East, in 2014. After just three years in the market, the AgenC now works with most (if not all) of the heavy hitters in media and fashion, as well as represents over 1,000 talents ranging from international models through to cast, kids, creatives and photographers. |
December 2024
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