Found on Human eyes are capable of differentiate more shades of green than any other color and human organism can benefit from all those shades of green. Green is the color which always reflected the very best of the nature’s wealth, providing us with the products which are revitalizing and calming. Going green when it comes to your nutrition is probably the best choice you could ever make. Not only it can improve your overall health, but the look of your skin too and its elasticity, providing you with a more youthful and glowing appearance. So if you are up for some natural alternatives for skin treatments and cosmetic surgeries, come join us on a green brick road to healthier life. We’ll lead you through some superfoods and natural skin products. Nature's very best Found on Let’s start simple, some foods should be introduced to your organism the same way you do it on a daily basis – by eating it. Eating spinach can be a true life-changer, because of the benefits for your look and overall health. You don’t have to chew leaves, just toss it into some salad. Eggplant has an anti-aging component and it can give your skin radiant and smooth appearance. The aromatic basil can do wonders for your health and for your skin too, even prevent cancer. Green tea is the magic potion you should remember, as it can prevent sun damage and reverse it too. And the wonder plant with 95 percent of water that is giving your skin much needed hydration is, none other than, glorious cucumber. Green Cleansing ![]() No matter how old you are or how healthy life do you (think you) lead juicing organic fruits and vegetables is one of the most important habits you should cultivate. Detoxification of your body with the power of juicing can solve many annoying skin conditions. As we mentioned, all shades of green can be good for you, but when it comes to detox there are simply some vegetables which are unrivaled. Kale, for instant, is a superhero when it comes to standing up to acne issue and it is perfect for getting the waste out of your body. Parsley, on the other hand, is in charge of cleansing liver, kidneys and urinary tract, while at the same time, maintaining skin’s even tone. Other helpful detox foods are watercress, beets and carrots. So make yourself a smoothie and enjoy. Found on In-kitchen skincare Found on
Found on Now that we’ve got covered the skincare from the inside it’s time to step up the game on the outside. Finding products that are fully organic and free of chemicals can be difficult, but not impossible. You can opt for organic skin care like cucumber juice facial cleansing foam or treat yourself with homemade avocado smoothie. And no, you’ll not eat it, but apply it on your face, wait for 15 minutes, and then enjoy the view. When you are not in kitchen mixing up all kinds of natural masks, but in quest for organic products, make sure you read the labels well (even the tiny letters too), and search for products with broccoli (presence of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants), cucumbers, mint (anti-inflammatory and soothing), etc. We hope you are ready to green up, from the inside and the outside. When you see the results, you won’t regret it. Author BIO: Sophia Smith is a freelance writer from Brisbane, Australia with huge interest in beauty, fashion, makeup and graphic design. Sophia is also very passionate about organic food and cosmetics, natural beauty and wellbeing. She could be described as beauty addict and life lover. She writes in mostly beauty related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. Find her on: Google +
December 2024
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