Some people say that green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet with numerous benefits, but there are always common misconceptions about its effects on our body. Nowadays you can find so many skin products containing green tea and assuring you that it’s ideal for your skin type. Here is what we think about it. Anti-Aging The free radicals are responsible for skin health since they determine will it be shiny young-looking or gray. Since green tea is rich in antioxidants it helps with skin oxidation as well as slowing down the aging process. Face creams with green tea extract are highly beneficial and they smell very nice as well. Astringent substances found in green tea make muscles toned and tighten the skin. That is why body and face creams with it will certainly make your skin firm and tight. I even tried washing my hair on a daily basis and it was a complete change since my hair became stronger and healthier. It sounds like a myth, but it’s not. Stimulation – green tea or coffee Full of caffeine, green tea stimulates your brain very much like coffee. After a cup of tea, you will fell refreshed and ready to work. If you are a student preparing for an exam, it would be a perfect energy drink while studying. It helps you fight sleepiness, laziness and lack of energy. If you want to really feel the effects of green tea you should use it every single day. Some people say that it should be between two and three doses, but in my experience one liter is ideal if you want to drink it all day. Also, you can add one or two sachets of green teaX50, mix it up and soon you will sense how energised you become. Green tea has more minerals then water and you can drink it whenever you feel thirsty. In the long run, green tea will make you feel better and more awake than coffee. Weight Change Many researchers claim that green tea can help with weight loss. To be clear, if your nutrition is unhealthy and packed with junk-food, no tea will help you. But if you consume green tea and eat nutrient rich food at the same time you will see rapid weight loss results. Given that green tea can boost the metabolic rate in short-term because of caffeine, your body will cleanse itself and remove all fat. And, by the time you start noticing weight loss you will feel completely transformed. Try it out and see for yourself. Body Detox and Healthy Brain Our bodies are full of free radicals and dangerous substances that can harm us and in order to avoid being sick we often need to detox. Starting your day with green tea with lemon is the best thing if you want a vitamin boost. It eliminates hangover symptoms, headache and fatigue. Furthermore, the bio-active compounds in green tea can have various protective effects on neurons and reduce the risk of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, the two most common degenerative disorders. This sounds like a myth, but is a proven truth. Why Green Tea is Important With good eating and drinking habits we can be healthy for a long time keeping our body in good shape. One of the healthiest ways to start your day could be drinking green tea. We can choose from many flavors, types and mixtures in order to enjoy every cup. More importantly, green tea can replace some medication giving us the opportunity to live a longer and healthier life. This post has been contributed by Roxana Oliver
December 2024
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