You’ve finally brought home your newborn, and you are starting to getting used to a daily care routine. One of the things that are included is taking care of baby’s skin. The skin of a newborn is gentle and soft, as almost nothing else in the world. And because it’s so soft and gentle, it requires extra care. In order to provide your little one the care it deserves, you should know what your baby skin is exposed to and how it to stop it. Babies are prone to irritation, such as eczema, diaper rash, cradle cap or some other skin conditions. The time and love you invest in caring for baby’s skin will prove worthwhile and result with healthy and soft skin, perfect for some mom and baby cuddling. Bubbly days Not every day is bathing day. In fact, bathing your baby too frequently may lead to removing of natural oils in charge of protecting its skin. This might make its skin vulnerable and prone to irritations, such as eczema. Three times per week in the first year is more than enough to keep your baby clean and healthy. As for the very bathing process, it should be done with 2 or 3 inches of warm water in the bathtub. For the first couple of months use scent-free products and restrain from reaching out for soap. Nature way – the best way When choosing the products for baby’s skin care, keep in mind that in this case – less is more. A big choice of soaps, shampoos and lotions should be reduced at a minimum, and all of them should be scent free, for the first several months, and made out of natural ingredients. Avoid products that contain chemicals and fragrances, and opt for some organic skincare, to be sure you are not exposing your baby to harmful toxins which can be found in certain cosmetic products. The same goes for clothes, blankets, and swaddles which should be made a 100% of natural cotton or some other nature loving material. Prewash to prevent
Speaking of clothes, you should wash all the new clothes, blankets and towels before using or wearing them. It’s highly recommendable to use detergents that are labeled as “baby” detergents, because they are supposed to leave fewer residues after washing. If it comes to a rash after using some towels or wearing some clothes, it’s probably your detergent’s fault. The solution is to switch to a milder one, without allergens and fragrances. Dealing with rash hour It is something you can hardly avoid, almost every baby experience diaper rash. But you should be well equipped with knowledge on how to deal with it. The rash happens because inside the diaper the air cannot circulate freely. The prevention you can apply is to keep baby’s skin clean and dry. Don’t skip cleaning it (with water, baby wipe or washcloth) during every single diaper changing. Don’t apply any products, until you are certain that the skin is completely dry. Unleash your baby from the movement controlling diaper sometimes, and give it some diaper-free time. It will benefit the baby’s skin, and also its mood.
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December 2024
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