By: Ryan Stewart When it comes to beauty, natural is best—no toxins, no artificial or synthesized goop being put on your body. Many are following the trend of going back to natural in all aspects of their life: simplifying, paleo and organic food diets, the use of essential oils, and green, organic beauty products. However, sometimes finding these products and learning how to use them can be a challenge. Thank goodness for smartphones. Just because we like the all-natural sense when it comes to our body doesn't mean we are going to live like cavemen. Technology has actually helped women and men live their natural lifestyles more easily thanks to many apps available for Android or iPhone. Listed below are the trending mobile apps for those who prefer a natural regime. Beauty Craft Natural beauty is something we all strive to highlight. But, using overpriced makeup that is full of toxins is not always the best route. Enter Beauty Craft. This app was designed to teach consumers that much of what they need to make their own make up exists right in nature. With over 1000 recipes, this app can help you create your own beauty products that are completely clean and free of toxins. Product recipes range from makeup, skincare and hair care. The app’s creators focused on five tips when they wanted to make know when creating their app.
Natural Beauty Tips With the rise in desire to go green, men and women alike are looking to find answers to questions about the products they use. We all know how frustrating it is to read about a product that offers everything we need only to find out it is overpriced and ineffective. Natural Beauty Tips sides with consumers when it comes to shopping for products. The app’s primary goal is to help consumers avoid purchasing ineffective, expensive products. If you are looking for an app to help guide you in your decisions making with regard to the products you use and their effectiveness, Natural Beauty Tips is a great choice. This app is full of advice on skin care, eyebrow care, hair care, and much more. Think Dirty App Want to know the adverse effects of a product you are using in your beauty routine? Use Think Dirty. Think Dirty prides itself on its ability to remain unbiased when it comes to product reviews. The company’s primary goal is to educate consumers about what their beauty regime might be doing to their bodies. Using their database of over 305,000 beauty products, Think Dirty rates the toxicity of each product and if it is related to cancer. From there, the app provides you with a visual representation of the toxicity in the products you use. Farmers Markets Australia Your diet is also an important factor in your beauty routine. When you make sure you put high quality food into your body, you appearence reaps the benefits. The Farmers Markets Australia app is a guide to where you can buy high quality locally grown foods.
The app, created by Get Agr, provides you with as much information as you need about your local farmers’ markets. It includes hours of operation, location, and insight into markets you probably didn’t even know existed. Australian Wild Flowers No naturalists’ smartphone is complete without a guide to the flora in the area. Australian Wild Flowers shows you flowers based on colour, size, shape, etc. It’s a great 21st century replacement for any bush walkers field guide. With this trusty app, you can find the perfect ingredients to make your own natural beauty products. Final Thought Didn't find an app for what you were specifically looking for? This isn't a comprehensive list, but there aren't many apps out there for this type of lifestyle. But, that's the glory of smartphones and apps. People are thinking of new app ideas as we speak and the application developers are working hard to bring those ideas to life. Be sure to check for what you’re looking for periodically or you can take the initiative and develop your own app idea.
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December 2024
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