Wow, what a lovely surprise these products from Glamourflage turned out to be! As a long time lover of all things retro and vintage, when I checked out their gorgeous 50’s style website, I couldn’t wait to receive my Hola skincare products. Glamourflage is a Melbourne based company founded by Imogen Day, she has combined natural based products with vintage style and they are gorgeous. The packaging is amazing. HOLA upholds the philosophy “The most simple and effective ingredients, brings you the most natural and healthy skin care”. ![]() Hola Honey Anti-Wrinkle Day Cream A soft, velvety day cream. Long lasting moisturisation throughout the day and light enough to keep my combination skin feeling balanced. One of the key ingredients is royal jelly, which is renowned for healing damaged skin. Helps to increase skin elasticity and smooth out fine lines. ![]() HOLA Seaweed Moisturising Repair Cream A regenerating repair cream containing seaweed and herbal extracts such as chamomile and vitex. It’s interesting to see vitex as a skincare ingredient, I actually take this herb as a tea and it’s great for balancing out hormonal problems in skin. This cream is ultra cooling, almost like a gel, it feels so refreshing. ![]() HOLA Seaweed Moisturising Eye Cream A high performance moisturising eye cream, enriched with seaweed extract. It has a smoothing and tightening effect under the eyes and also has that soothing ultra cool feel. Offers intense hydration and helps to lighten dark circles under eyes. Although these aren’t 100 percent natural, they do contain some very high quality herbs and natural ingredients which have been carefully chosen for their skin firming and healing properties. Available at Glamourflage.
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Organic. Natural. Cruelty-free. Whatever you call it, many people are working hard to eliminate needless chemicals from their life and beauty routine.
Of course, everything is made of chemicals—even water is a chemical—and companies can slap the "organic" label on just about any product. That leaves consumers facing a dizzying array of products, unsure whether it's worth paying extra for something that claims to be natural. Many people with allergies or sensitive skin truly need natural beauty products to reduce their risk of an ugly reaction. No one wants to turn their skin into a real-world experiment. So how can you choose? Here are five organic beauty products that really won't irritate your skin. Sulphate-Free Shampoos Think you need a rich lather to get clean? That type of thinking might be damaging your hair and skin. Sulphates are the harsh detergents that create foam in shampoos and soaps. The dirty truth is that lather is unnecessary; your hair can get clean without a single bubble. In fact, sulphate-free shampoos may actually be better for your hair, since they don't strip your scalp of its natural oils. This means your scalp won't overreact by producing excess oil, and your hair will likely be more manageable. Natural Skin Oils Skin oils have gotten a bad reputation, since excessively oily products can cause breakouts in acne-prone people. The problem isn't the oils themselves but too many oils in a single product. You can circumvent this problem by using a single natural oil. Argan oil is unlikely to irritate your skin, moisturises better than any lotion, smells great, and won't cause breakouts. You can try pure argan oil or a product that's rich in this super emollient. Oatmeal-Based Products Oatmeal is a virtual panacea for skin woes, especially severe dryness, allergic reactions, and eczema. Dermatologists routinely recommend oatmeal baths to people who struggle with skin conditions. Try mixing oatmeal with your lotion or pouring some oatmeal into your next bath for a skin-softening soak. Not ready to adopt a do-it-yourself approach? Try oatmeal-based First Aid Beauty Ultra Repair Cream for soothing moisture. Perfume Oils Gone are the days of perfumes with strong "sillage" (pronounced "see-YAHZH")—the industry term for the trail of fragrance left by a perfume. We now know that heavy perfumes can irritate innocent bystanders, cause migraines, and even produce allergic reactions. This doesn't mean you have to give up fragrance altogether. Instead, try a simpler approach by embracing perfume oils. From lemongrass to lilac, peppermint to patchouli, you're sure to find a fragrance you love. Mix some in your favourite lotion, or try pairing two or more oils together for a unique perfume made from the earth's most luscious ingredients. Natural Cleansers Unlike a public toilet or hospital floor, your skin can get clean without being scrubbed into oblivion. However, the ingredients in many skin cleansers suggest otherwise. Even for oily skin, gentle cleansing is all you need—no harsh suds or detergents, and certainly not an aggressive approach with your hands or washcloth. Try a natural cleanser; you might be surprised by how quickly your skin improves. Antipodes Juliet Skin-Brightening Gel Cleanser won't destroy your skin's natural balance of oil and works well for all complexions. With summer finally here, the health of our skin is an important topic. With so many planned activities such as boating, fishing, hiking, and running, it’s easy to forget to take care of our skin. Although the sun’s rays give us plenty of Vitamin D, it can also cause a lot of damage.
According to the Skin Cancer Foundation, the most common form of cancer is to the skin. More than 3.5 million skin cancers are diagnosed each year in the U.S. — more than breast, prostate, lung and colon cancer combined! The good thing is, skin cancer can be prevented by taking proper precautions to protect our skin against damaging UV rays. Even if you tried desperately last summer to work on your tan (and didn’t protect your skin), skin cancer is easily treated if found early. Here’s some tips on how to protect our skin during the summer months: Cover Up Wearing a long-sleeved, light shirt will help protect your back and arms, and a hat will help protect your face. Wear sunglasses as well to keep your eyes safe and healthy! Avoid The Tanning Bed Tanning does some serious damage to your skin over time. If you’re going to opt for a sun-kissed tan, try natural spray tanning as a healthier alternative. You’ll thank yourself later. Take it from Women’s Health Magazine – “Oncologists now believe [tanning beds] are to blame for the alarming spike among young women in lethal melanoma cases – the second most common cancer in adults under 30.” Stay Out of the Sun It’s hard to stay out of the sun when it’s summer, but there are a few things you can do to help make it so the UV Rays aren’t as damaging. Try to be in a shaded area where you can take breaks when needed from your activities. Peak sun hours are from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., so you should also plan trips or activities at a time where that’s avoided. Bringing an umbrella with you to sit under at the beach is also a great way to keep the sun off of you. Use Sunscreen Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. If you’re outside for extended periods of time, it’s recommended to use a natural SPF 30 sunscreen. As someone with fair skin who burns easily, it’s important to stay on top of my sunscreen game! I use SPF 45 or more. Remember – if you’re swimming or sweating excessively, sunscreen needs to be reapplied afterwards. It should also be reapplied about every two hours for maximum coverage and protection. Check Your Skin Grab a mirror and check your skin! The majority of skin cancers are found by the patient themselves or their partner. It’s important to be familiar with how your skin looks so you can notice any changes that happen. Not sure what to look for? Check out this article by the Skin Cancer Foundation on the ABCDE’s of melanoma. See Your Doctor Every Year I know – going to the doctor sounds awful. The wait times are long, and the appointments never last long enough to discuss everything. Regardless, if you make it a habit to visit your physician at least once a year, they’ll be able to keep track of multiple factors of your health. This is important because they’ll be able to see any changes that may have happened over the years. Get your skin checked every year by your doctor. Stay Hydrated It’s important to get enough water every day – especially in hotter months. It’s easy to want to drink a cold lemonade or a margarita, but these drinks tend to make you more dehydrated. Try drinking water spruced up with fruits like raspberries, lemons, limes, or oranges. You’ll feel better and your skin will look better as well! It’s recommended to drink 8 glasses a day, but it wouldn’t hurt to get extra if you’re out in the sun! This post was contributed by Samantha Thayer, CHES. Samantha is the online outreach and education specialist for USANA Health Sciences. For more information on how you can love life and live it, visit us at our blog What’s Up, USANA? Or find us on Twitter @USANAInc. This post has been contributed by Laura. During the summer, we are less likely to apply a face full of makeup and more inclined to stick with our natural look. It can get too hot and sweaty to think about anything else. But being an image conscious society, we can still take actions to make sure our natural appearance looks its best. So I thought I would share with you five ways you can improve the way you look just in time for summer. Think about your skin Your skin throughout all of the winter will have been open to the elements. So now is the time to rejuvenate it and show it some love. You can do this by taking care of your skincare routine and perhaps making a few changes. Your skin, not just on your face, will be more on show during the summer. So it’s essential to take care of it and keep it looking it’s best. This means keeping yourself hydrated with plenty of water. After all it is nature's detox. You can also consider a different facial cleanser or a new moisturizer. You would be best to head down to your local natural beauty department and ask for a few samples and see what works best with your skin. Eat well What we put into our bodies can be a reflection of what comes out. So if we want our skin to look good and for our appearance to be healthy and glowing, then make sure you eat a healthy diet. This doesn’t mean heading on to some extreme diet where you lose weight quickly. This is more about eating the right things and consuming more healthier food. As long as you get your five a day of fruit and vegetables, then you are on the right track. Just keep the treats to a minimum. They are the things that can cause spots on our skin. Exercise more Taking more exercise and being more active can help us to achieve a more toned looking body. If you are struggling with losing a little weight, then a good exercise regime can help you lose a few pounds as well. Exercising, be it as simple as walking, or something more extreme can keep your body looking trim and athletic. Which in the summer can be a real confidence booster. Work on that smile
Smiling is the one thing that can express your personality instantly. You can tell a lot by someone's smile. So if you don’t feel confident in yours then do something about it. It’s the natural beauty that can be expressed within you. This might mean visiting your dentist and discussing problem areas. It might mean considering teeth whitening services. Even if you just up your brushing game. Get the confidence in your smile and work it. Get more sleep Finally, getting more sleep can work wonders for how you look. It can erase any black marks under your eyes or bags that may appear. It can make you feel better and more confident because you are rested. If you struggle with sleep, then consider your routine before you head to bed. It might mean making some small changes like not using your phone before sleep. Or drinking a relaxing chamomile tea instead of something caffeine based or alcoholic. I hope these tips help you to improve your natural beauty this summer. Some people say that green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet with numerous benefits, but there are always common misconceptions about its effects on our body. Nowadays you can find so many skin products containing green tea and assuring you that it’s ideal for your skin type. Here is what we think about it. Anti-Aging The free radicals are responsible for skin health since they determine will it be shiny young-looking or gray. Since green tea is rich in antioxidants it helps with skin oxidation as well as slowing down the aging process. Face creams with green tea extract are highly beneficial and they smell very nice as well. Astringent substances found in green tea make muscles toned and tighten the skin. That is why body and face creams with it will certainly make your skin firm and tight. I even tried washing my hair on a daily basis and it was a complete change since my hair became stronger and healthier. It sounds like a myth, but it’s not. Stimulation – green tea or coffee Full of caffeine, green tea stimulates your brain very much like coffee. After a cup of tea, you will fell refreshed and ready to work. If you are a student preparing for an exam, it would be a perfect energy drink while studying. It helps you fight sleepiness, laziness and lack of energy. If you want to really feel the effects of green tea you should use it every single day. Some people say that it should be between two and three doses, but in my experience one liter is ideal if you want to drink it all day. Also, you can add one or two sachets of green teaX50, mix it up and soon you will sense how energised you become. Green tea has more minerals then water and you can drink it whenever you feel thirsty. In the long run, green tea will make you feel better and more awake than coffee. Weight Change Many researchers claim that green tea can help with weight loss. To be clear, if your nutrition is unhealthy and packed with junk-food, no tea will help you. But if you consume green tea and eat nutrient rich food at the same time you will see rapid weight loss results. Given that green tea can boost the metabolic rate in short-term because of caffeine, your body will cleanse itself and remove all fat. And, by the time you start noticing weight loss you will feel completely transformed. Try it out and see for yourself. Body Detox and Healthy Brain Our bodies are full of free radicals and dangerous substances that can harm us and in order to avoid being sick we often need to detox. Starting your day with green tea with lemon is the best thing if you want a vitamin boost. It eliminates hangover symptoms, headache and fatigue. Furthermore, the bio-active compounds in green tea can have various protective effects on neurons and reduce the risk of both Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s, the two most common degenerative disorders. This sounds like a myth, but is a proven truth. Why Green Tea is Important With good eating and drinking habits we can be healthy for a long time keeping our body in good shape. One of the healthiest ways to start your day could be drinking green tea. We can choose from many flavors, types and mixtures in order to enjoy every cup. More importantly, green tea can replace some medication giving us the opportunity to live a longer and healthier life. This post has been contributed by Roxana Oliver
The summer doesn’t always come with good news for your skin. Skin tanning usually occurs after prolonged exposure to sunlight, which leads to a dull complexion. Depending on your skin type, you should always look for a particular formula to remove the sun tan. Instead of getting lured into buying expensive skin creams or lotions, there are some natural methods that can be effective in removing the tan. It doesn’t mean that all expensive cosmetic products are safe and efficient in dealing with skin issues like tanning. Some could be potentially harmful to your skin. Here are some simple and effective natural home remedies to get rid of sun tanned skin: 1. Yoghurt If you have a dull complexion resulting from sun exposure, you should think of yoghurt as a useful and pocket-friendly approach for minimizing the tan. Other than making your skin radiant and glowing, yoghurt also cools your skin and reduces skin redness. Also, it tightens your pores for a smooth and supple skin.
You can also use some fresh yoghurt on your skin before taking a shower. For improved results, add lime juice and tomato juice to the yoghurt. 2. Raw Potato Raw potato can go a long way in alleviating dull complexion resulting from sun tanned skin. Raw potato is rich in vitamin C, which is essential in nourishing the skin and fighting free radicals that cause cell damage. Also, it works as a natural bleach and also helps to soothe sunburn.
To enhance the results of raw potato on sun tanned skin, add some lemon juice before applying it on your face. 3. Cucumber Cucumber juice is also another excellent natural remedy for diminishing a sun tan. On top of eliminating a sun tan, cucumber is also useful for soothing your skin if it is irritating or itching. It is also an excellent source of vitamin C to fight free radicals, moisturize your skin and tighten your pores.
Enhance the outcome of cucumber on your skin by adding lime juice before applying it. 4. Gram Flour Gram flour is very crucial in treating sun tan. It works as exfoliant, assisting in the removal of dead skin cells, leaving your skin both youthful and radiant. To treat sun tan, you can get gram flour from your local market or prepare your paste using whole green gram.
To improve the results of gram flour on your skin, mix it with rosewater instead of plain water. You can also add some lime juice and yoghurt when preparing the paste. 5. Red Lentils Also called Masoor dal, red lentils have long been used in cosmetic products for dealing with dull complexion and other skin issues. You can include red lentils in your regular face pack of making your body scrubs to use every week to get a healthy and beautiful skin.
Red lentils paste not only removes the tan but also helps in the removal of dead skin cells for a brighter complexion. Using this pack regularly can result in acne and blemish-free clean skin with little effort. Extended exposure to sunlight, particularly in summer, can result to tanning of your skin. This can happen to anyone irrespective of their skincare routine as most cosmetic products may not offer enough protection against sun damage. Fortunately, you don’t have always to dig deeper into your pocket to buy expensive skincare products for dealing with sun tanned skin. You can brighten your skin using pure natural home remedies, including red lentils, yoghurt, cucumber, raw potato and gram flour. These five simple preparations can give you a more youthful and brighter complexion. References: ![]()
Author Bio:
Vaileria Dennis is a Beauty writer. She has written various articles on Beauty and Skincare. She is an independent researcher on Beauty and Makeup. Vaileria has a bachelor’s in Health and Skin care from California State University. Connect with Vaileria on Facebook or follow her on Twitter.
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Found on:,, & The dark side of time is that it is merciless and does not forgive – your age is something you cannot just hide. Even if you can appear younger, it takes a lot of effort and money, and still you might not be satisfied with the results. One of the safest and easiest ways to save your good looks is to live a healthy life and have healthy habits, the easiest of which would be clean eating. Some foods are like magic, and they will help your skin recover and look fresh after a long day (or even a long year). You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on expensive treatments, simply turn to good old nature for help. ![]() Beautiful skin Having clear and fresh skin means a lot when you are not in your twenties anymore, but it is also more difficult to achieve. Nutrient deficiency and inflammation can cause our skin to become dry and blemishes can appear. Paleo diet can help your skin restore its freshness and reduce inflammation simply by steering you away from foods which cause inflammation, like canola, corn, and soybean. By eliminating Omega-6 fat which is found in industrial fat, your skin will recover and restore its glow. If you want to speed up the recovery process, try making healthy Paleo masks of yoghurt, honey, and strawberries which your skin will simply love. Found on: & Necessary Nutrients Found on:,, & Of course, there is no magic ingredient which is going to make your visage improve over night, but professionals noted that certain vitamins and minerals are lacking in people with skin and hair problems. This is the reason why you should work on adding more vitamins A, C, and D, and also zinc. This means that you should not avoid liver, egg yolks, shellfish, pumpkin seeds, and broccoli. Citrus fruit and strawberries are also very important, so feel free to add more fruit salads to your diet. Rhinoplasty professionals in Sydney also recommend this nutrition preventive of aging and they say: ''The skin is the largest organ after all, so diet directly affects how you visibly age. Focus on what you put in your body as much as on what you put on your skin.'' Better than the best – healthy Paleo desserts Who says Paleo diet is boring? There are incredible Paleo dessert recipes that are going to make you forget all about refined sugar and unhealthy chocolate bars. Banana upside down cake, triple chocolate cookie cake, lemon bars, and dozens of brownie variations are not only incredibly delicious, but do wonders for your overall health and appearance. Indulge your cravings from time to time without feeling guilty with Paleo desserts, and notice just how much better you will feel. Found on: &
Next time you go out to eat and go to the grocery store, order and buy foods which are not only good for your heart and liver, but for your skin as well. This way you will be investing in your future, and stay not only slim and healthy, but you will also look years younger than you really are. Delicious food and good looks – who could say no to that!? Found on Human eyes are capable of differentiate more shades of green than any other color and human organism can benefit from all those shades of green. Green is the color which always reflected the very best of the nature’s wealth, providing us with the products which are revitalizing and calming. Going green when it comes to your nutrition is probably the best choice you could ever make. Not only it can improve your overall health, but the look of your skin too and its elasticity, providing you with a more youthful and glowing appearance. So if you are up for some natural alternatives for skin treatments and cosmetic surgeries, come join us on a green brick road to healthier life. We’ll lead you through some superfoods and natural skin products. Nature's very best Found on Let’s start simple, some foods should be introduced to your organism the same way you do it on a daily basis – by eating it. Eating spinach can be a true life-changer, because of the benefits for your look and overall health. You don’t have to chew leaves, just toss it into some salad. Eggplant has an anti-aging component and it can give your skin radiant and smooth appearance. The aromatic basil can do wonders for your health and for your skin too, even prevent cancer. Green tea is the magic potion you should remember, as it can prevent sun damage and reverse it too. And the wonder plant with 95 percent of water that is giving your skin much needed hydration is, none other than, glorious cucumber. Green Cleansing ![]() No matter how old you are or how healthy life do you (think you) lead juicing organic fruits and vegetables is one of the most important habits you should cultivate. Detoxification of your body with the power of juicing can solve many annoying skin conditions. As we mentioned, all shades of green can be good for you, but when it comes to detox there are simply some vegetables which are unrivaled. Kale, for instant, is a superhero when it comes to standing up to acne issue and it is perfect for getting the waste out of your body. Parsley, on the other hand, is in charge of cleansing liver, kidneys and urinary tract, while at the same time, maintaining skin’s even tone. Other helpful detox foods are watercress, beets and carrots. So make yourself a smoothie and enjoy. Found on In-kitchen skincare Found on
Found on Now that we’ve got covered the skincare from the inside it’s time to step up the game on the outside. Finding products that are fully organic and free of chemicals can be difficult, but not impossible. You can opt for organic skin care like cucumber juice facial cleansing foam or treat yourself with homemade avocado smoothie. And no, you’ll not eat it, but apply it on your face, wait for 15 minutes, and then enjoy the view. When you are not in kitchen mixing up all kinds of natural masks, but in quest for organic products, make sure you read the labels well (even the tiny letters too), and search for products with broccoli (presence of dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants), cucumbers, mint (anti-inflammatory and soothing), etc. We hope you are ready to green up, from the inside and the outside. When you see the results, you won’t regret it. Author BIO: Sophia Smith is a freelance writer from Brisbane, Australia with huge interest in beauty, fashion, makeup and graphic design. Sophia is also very passionate about organic food and cosmetics, natural beauty and wellbeing. She could be described as beauty addict and life lover. She writes in mostly beauty related topics, mainly through blogs and articles. Find her on: Google + ![]() Everyone dreams about having the perfect skin, without blemishes, dryness and irritations. Sometimes that seems as an impossible dream, and that the only period in our lives when we don’t have skin problems is early childhood. As we grow older, we are getting used to all kinds of skin issues, and due to hasty life we are living, there is almost no time for dedicating the much needed attention to our skin. The truth is, that doesn’t have to be so hard and time-demanding as it might seem, and all the effort we put into caring about our skin will eventually pay off. What should you do and what to avoid, find out in the text bellow. Easy, light and natural It’s understandable you want to keep your skin as clean as possible, but using heavy duty cleaners may do you more harm than good. They are too harsh on your face and may cause irritations. Instead, create a routine of cleaning your face properly and naturally. Try to steam your face before washing (holding your covered head above a bowl with hot boiled water), and then wash it with warm water using the cleaner that suits your skin type, after rinse your face thoroughly and make sure there is no traces of cleaner left. Multi-task to the max As we mentioned, we are living a hasty life, so it is important to find products that multi-task, so you don’t have to juggle with all the aspects of skincare. For skincare, hydrating is one of the most important things, so you’ll need moisturizers that have some other functions. Like, for example, BB creams, that are providing you with foundation coverage, sun protection and moisturizing. How amazing is that? Peeling off the layers Sure, it is important to clean and moisturize, but if you are not exfoliating your skin is not living up to its full potential. Exfoliation/peeling means removing dead skin cells from its surface. It is crucial as we age, because it is helping our skin regenerate. Over-exfoliating, however, can cause dryness, irritation and damage, so limit it to once a week. One other way to replace the old and unhealthy skin cells with new and healthy ones is a procedure called microdermabrasion, which you can get with some products at home or leave it to a professional in a salon or clinic. Healthy inside out Your skin is an important indicator of your internal health, thus we come to the important conclusion that your internal health affects your skin. There are certain minerals and vitamins your skin craves for, and you can fulfill its cravings by eating or drinking food/beverages which contain them. Omega-3 fatty acids are helpful for moisturizing and repairing your skin health, and you can find them in cold-water fish. Selenium is helping your skin regain its elasticity, which you can find in Brazilian nuts, eggs, seafood and garlic. Vitamin C is protecting your skin from the sun, so whenever possible treat yourself with red and green bell peppers, guava or broccoli. Image by Pixabay ![]() USANA’s Proflavanol C100 supplements help nourish your skin from within to protect and defence against cellular skin damage and assists with firmness and elasticity. The antioxidant formulation combines grape seed extracts and vitamin C to help maintain healthy skin and improve skin-aging appearance. ![]() USANA’s Gentle Daily Cleanser is a soap-free cleanser to eliminate dirt and impurities without drying your delicate facial skin. A unique formulation of pure-plant extracts deeply cleanses and hydrates the skin, leaving it moist and supple. This refreshing gel is a great way to revive your complexion at the beginning and end of each day. Australians spend over $8 billion on skincare products every year, but when it comes to achieving a truly flawless complexion, it’s vital to nourish your skin from the inside. According to Sheila Zhou, expert Scientist at USANA, leading producer of high quality supplements, “Most people don’t realise diet is a major factor when it comes to having healthy skin. Older cells are constantly shedding and being replaced by new ones, meaning nutrients and hydration is essential to support this fast paced growth process. By consuming the correct foods, paired with a regular skin care routine, you can count on being blemish free.” Ms. Zhou shares her expert tips on which foods will help you achieve flawless skin: 1. Chocolate. It sounds too good to be true doesn’t it?! Many of us have grown up believing chocolate causes break outs, but it actually contains numerous minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium and magnesium which are great for your skin. Also, chocolates rich in flavanols provides dietary antioxidants that confer photo-protection from within, and helps keep everything plump and elasticised. 2. Turkey. Turkey meat has a high level of an ingredient called selenium, a mineral that plays a major role in the health of developing skin cells. Recent studies also show selenium has the ability to prevent sunburned cells from forming on human skin. So make this meat more than a Christmas classic, and enjoy the benefits all year around. 3. Sweet potato. When it comes to vegetables that banish blemishes, sweet potato is the ultimate choice. It is loaded with retinol, a derivative of vitamin A, and this particular ingredient works to speed up the cell renewal process. Not only does this act as a natural exfoliate, but it also nourishes the skin underneath, a win win! 4. Sardines. Whether they’re fresh or canned, sardines are a great way to prevent age spots and wrinkles. This particular fish is loaded with anti-inflammatory omega-3 essential fatty acids and iron which help the body transport oxygen to skin follicles. 5. Spinach. Green vegetables are known for their health benefits, but what most people don’t know, is that spinach may help to reduce the risk of skin cancer. As it is rich in folate, vitamin A, C, E, and carotenoids, spinach may help boost the skin's natural defence against damage caused by UV rays, helps with DNA repair and cell regeneration. So make sure you slip, slop, slap, and spinach. Along with these foods, Sheila Zhou, USANA Scientist, also recommends the following products to help your skin look and feel its best: ![]() USANA’s Rice Bran Polisher is a gentle exfoliate that contains natural fruit enzymes, beta-hydroxy acid, and rice-bran beads. It removes impurities and dead skin cells while aloe and other natural emollients nourish and refresh, leaving skin smoother and clearer. Vitamin supplements should not replace a balanced diet. Use only as directed. Always read the label.
To view the full range of USANA Health Sciences nutritional, weight management and personal care products visit USANA Health Sciences was founded in 1992 in the United States by microbiologist and immunologist, Dr Myron Wentz. The products are backed by an accredited team of scientific experts and USANA has been awarded a 5-star rating for its nutritional products – the highest of any available in Australia in the Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplements (4th Ed) by Lyle McWilliam, an independent Canadian biochemist. |
December 2024
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