By: Will Hair loss affects both women and men of all different ages. It can have a serious impact on someone’s self esteem and confidence.
You will probably have seen a lot of adverts or spam emails sent to you about all the different pills and miracle ‘cures’ for hair loss. But it is understandable that putting loads of chemicals in your body can seem really off putting and not the right answer for you. Having hair implants is a serious decision and not one to be taken lightly, and you may want to try other less invasive solutions first. Luckily, there are many natural ways to fight hair loss and even to reverse it. You don’t have to sacrifice one part of your health and suffer the side effects of medication to grow your hair back. These natural remedies are not only less invasive and harmful to the body, but they have proven to have successful results. They will help you to take control of your hair loss and even reverse it, giving you that extra confidence boost every day. Why Does Hair Loss Happen? To be able to understand how a natural remedy might work, first we need to understand a little bit about why hair loss, scientifically known as androgenetic alopecia, happens to us. Put simply, there is a naturally occurring hormone within our bodies called DHT that attacks the hair follicles, slowly causing them to wither and die. When the follicle gets too small it eventually falls out and doesn’t grow back. DHT is a normal and healthy hormone that is created from testosterone, which is why men more than women get pattern baldness. Equally, some men get significantly worse male pattern baldness than others, while some don’t get it at all. It seems to be pure luck and a lot do with what we inherit from our parents that determine the level of DHT that we are born with. The fortunate men born with low levels of DHT never go bald. Home Made Shampoos First, lets start with what you put on your hair. Shampoos that you buy in shops, some shampoos are going to contain numerous chemicals and preservatives, even some shampoos which claim to be natural. This is not a good choice for people suffering with hair loss. But do not despair as making an all natural shampoo at home is much easier than you would think. It can really improve the hair’s strength and growth. Why not give it a go yourself using the ingredients and directions below. Ingredients: · Liquid castile soap (1/2 cup) · Maple syrup (1 tablespoon) · Carrot seed essential oil (5-10 drops) Castor oil (10 drops) Directions: Combine all ingredients in the container of your choice. Mix well, and be sure to mix thoroughly before each use. When ready to use, pour over wet hair. Massage into scalp for 2-3 minutes, and then let sit for an addition 2-3 minutes. Rinse thoroughly with lukewarm (or, even better, cold) water. Essential Oils Another natural remedy that can be put on hair to promote growth are essential oils. Evidence does suggest that many essential oils, a few in particular, can promote hair growth. They are a simple and inexpensive remedy to add to your hair care routine, and not one that should be overlooked. The best essential oils to promote hair growth are: Peppermint essential oil · Rosemary essential oil · Blackcurrant essential oil · Evening primrose essential oil · Pumpkin seed oil Tea tree oil They can all be found at your local drug or health care store. Scalp Massages & Exercises Not only do scalp massages feel absolutely great, and are very relaxing, but they can even improve hair growth and prevent hair loss. A good scalp massage encourages the blood flow to increase around the follicle. If there is not enough blood directed to the follicle then then follicle will eventually die. On the other side, a healthy amount of blood flow to the follicle can even cause the follicle to repair itself and therefore the hair will grow back. A scalp massage has got to be one of the most enjoyable treatments of hair loss, and you can always try out several different types of head massage in the name of ‘research’. Eliminating Allergies Next we need to think about what we are putting into our bodies. Everyone knows the old adage ‘you are what you eat’ and it is certainly scientifically proven that what we eat affects how we look and how we feel. The reason that the hormone DHT causes hair loss is because it causes an immune reaction against the actual hair follicles. It mistakenly causes our bodies to attack our own hair as it wrongly thinks it is a foreign invader. This is the same process that occurs when we have food allergies. Allergy reactions from food result in the body becoming ultra-sensitive to what it believes is a foreign invader. Not only can food allergies cause untold digestive problems, but they can directly cause the rate of hair follicle miniaturisation to increase. There are many different groups of food allergies and some of the most common are dairy and gluten, although there are many others that you may have never even suspected. There are simple ways to test for food allergies and it is always recommended to speak with your local doctor about your symptoms and suspected allergies. Natural DHT Blockers There are ways to block DHT from being produced. One of the very best natural DHT blockers you can take is Pumpkin Seed Oil (PSO). PSO is made from pumpkin seeds (no surprises there) and its success is down it producing an enzyme called 5AR that blocks DHT from being produced. Therefore the hair follicle is safe from the damage DHT causes. Pumpkin seed oil is one of the most effective DHT blockers as it starts working from the inside after being taken orally. This allows it to target 5AR at the source, and prevents DHT buildup from even occurring on the scalp. Microbiome Health The human body is full of naturally occurring levels of bacteria, and keeping the balance right is key to a healthy body, also called microbiome health. We are still only just finding out how important a healthy microbiome is for our overall health as well as our hair health. Unfortunately, due to our modern world and our increased use of hand gels, bacteria killing cleaning products and chemically altered foods, our environment is now impacting our microbiome health. An unhealthy microbiome has been shown to cause inflammation and also increase hair follicle sensitivity to DHT. To cure hair loss naturally you will need to stop triggering these autoimmune problems and decrease inflammation as much as possible. Mesotherapy (aka Microneedling/Dermarolling) Mesotherapy is a physical treatment where tiny needles are put into the scalp. More commonly known as microneedling, it is a drug-free hair loss treatment that has had significant and proven results for hair regrowth. The tiny needles break the surface of the skin but the procedure should not be painful or cause scarring. The puncture wounds then begin being repaired by our body. As the healing process takes place, this stimulates collagen production. This then leads to the production of new skin cells which contain new and (in most cases) healthy hair follicles. Alkalisation We spoke briefly about microbiome health above, but there are other ways that the body balances itself and this is through our acid and alkaline levels. The foods we eat affect these levels, and a diet with lots of grains, dairy and meat causes the body to become more and more acidic. If the acidic level becomes too high, the enzyme 5AR also mentioned above becomes more aggressive and DHT levels in the scalp go up leading to hair loss. One way to reduce our acidic levels is to eat less acidic foods to shift the body back into its natural alkaline state, although you should always consult a health care professional when considering any significant dietary changes. On the other side, when your body is alkaline (its optimum state) then the enzyme that produces DHT in the exact part of the scalp where male pattern baldness occurs is inhibited. This mean lower levels of DHT and remember that no DHT means no hair loss, great! As we can see, there are many very effective natural remedies that should be tried before anything more invasive should be considered.
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December 2024
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