By: Laura Even the most stunning model can quickly become perceived as ugly if they are a negative or nasty person. In the same way, you don’t necessarily have to be the most physically attractive person to radiate true beauty. It may sound corny, but true beauty lies within. From your diet affecting your inner organs to the intangible aspects of you, like your soul and consciousness. So it’s time that you start working on your beauty from the inside out. Here are a few ways to ensure that your beauty isn’t just a facade and you are genuinely wonderful through and through. Your Diet Some of us are lucky and can eat whatever we like without the effects showing up on our body. But at the end of the day, a diet composed of junk food, excess sugar, too much salt and saturated fats will still wreak havoc on our insides. It is important that we care for our inner body, just as much as its outer case. At the end of the day, there’s no foundation out there that can cover heart disease or diabetes. Remember to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Get your five portions of fruit and veg every day. Drink plenty of water. When possible, opt for organic and fair trade foods: this way you’re boosting your health in the safe knowledge that you’re paying a fair price for the people who have produced it. Your Soul You can be as beautiful as you want on the outside, but if you’re an unkind, mean or aggressive person, this will shine through. Negative people radiate negative energy: through their facial expressions, body language, demeanor and general vibes. This will push people away and for a good reason. Every day you should focus on becoming a better person. This can start any time with the smallest acts of kindness. Help an old lady cross the road; buy a hot drink or meal for a homeless person; compliment a stranger; pop in to see your grandparents; give your spare change to a busker. There are so many tiny things that you can do to improve someone else’s day. If you want to engage in something bigger, you can open your mind and heart on a journey for charity. Take a look at No Birds Bash: these two men are exploring Australia in an old Ford and raising money for disadvantaged, sick and disabled children. You can see the positive effects that their charitable giving (of both their time and money) is having on others as well as themselves. Your Conscience We use so many products in our cleanliness and beauty regimes that it can be easy to turn a blind eye to their source. Many products are tested on animals. This doesn’t mean shampooing a bunny rabbit or putting a bit of lipstick on a dog. Products are placed within animals’ eyes to test their safety. Sadly, there’s a lot of failed products before there are successful ones and many animals are blinded or die during these processes. There are plenty of alternative options out there that use humane testing methods. Always opt for these products and end unnecessary suffering for the sake of your shampoo or lipstick. Your Connection with the Planet Always invest in organic beauty products. Firstly, they are better for you. They use high quality, natural ingredients that are much better for your skin. Non-organic products contain all sorts of unnecessary chemicals that will cause your skin damage in the long run. Secondly, they’re better for the planet too! They don’t pollute water with their chemicals and thus won’t damage plant life and wildlife. They also most often come in eco-friendly packaging which can be recycled rather than contributing to landfill.
Your Connection with Yourself The better connected you are to yourself, the happier and healthier you will be. There are a couple of different ways to do this. Practice self-acceptance. Stop criticizing yourself so harshly and be happy with who you are. Don’t compare yourself to others. Instead, focus on your positive aspects and strengths. You can also use activities like meditation and yoga to reconnect with nature and your inner self. These are deeply calming activities that allow time for reflection. Find silence and focus on your breathing. Let all of your troubles and worries leave and become more aware of what is troubling you and the ways to solve these problems.
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February 2024
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